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Floor Scrubber Pads and Buffing Pads: Commercial Floor Care Must-Haves

Having a clean, nice-looking floor is important in any commercial space. It reflects not only the quality of the business but also the owner himself.

Unfortunately, the floor of a commercial building is often abused due to foot traffic. It is also subject to wear and therefore needs more frequent maintenance than residential flooring. Commercial floor care is, therefore, an essential part of running an entire business.

Flooring Types

Floors come in a range of types, which differ in appearance, texture, and make. The most common types of floor include laminate, hardwood, stone, tile, and carpet.

commercial floor care

Different types also call for different care methods. For example, a laminate flooring simply needs to be wiped with a damp mop sprayed with some laminate cleaning solution, while a wooden flooring could benefit from wood cleaning products and is very easy to prettify by just sweeping and buffing.

Commercial Floor Care Basics

Basically, floor cleaning is divided into 3 steps. The first step is to remove the dust using a vacuum cleaner or a broom. The second step involves spraying the floor with water (with or without soap) or a commercial cleaning solution and then scrubbing it. And last but not the least, wiping the floor dry and buffing it for a glossy finish.

To be able to do all these, though, you have to have all the basic cleaning products. These include ample supplies of water, a compatible cleaning solution, a dusting material (vacuum or broom), floor scrubber pads for thorough cleaning, dry mops or cloths for drying the floor, and floor buffing pads for giving the floor a more polished look.

Commercial Floor Care Tips

Cleaning your floor regularly, say every 1-2 weeks, should keep it looking great every time. It will also help prevent accidents such as floor slips, thus preventing possible lawsuits.

Do not use harmful cleaning solutions or harsh materials to avoid permanent floor damage. If this shall happen, though, extensive repair might be needed to restore the flooring. When in doubt about the safety of your cleaning product, do your research or better yet, ask the manufacturer.

Make sure that your cleaners are trained in commercial floor maintenance as it differs greatly from home floor care. Furthermore, use only high-quality materials for cleaning, scrubbing, and buffing your floor. With proper care and maintenance, your floor should last a very long time.


5 Different Types of Flooring,